Friday, May 27, 2011

Such a bad blogger!

My favorites bar was all screwy the last couple of weeks and just been crazy running around that I have not been a good blogger. Well, this post will be short and sweet, but I am back and plan on doing a lot of posting in the next few days, so be on the look out!
Things are about to be a changin!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

so far behind- 2 peas

I am so far behind on my course- I have to catch up tomorrow on 3 weeks of the 2 peas course, update on life and lots of other stuff.
For a quick update- Mikey is now officially on ear infection #4 and well on his way to a pretty set of ear tubes. He is still such a happy baby and I love every minute of watching him grow and develop!
Kieran is almost in Kindergarten and I can't believe it! He just went on his first real class trip and he had so much fun! He is going for his belt test on Friday for Tae Kwon Do and he is so excited! Can't wait to see him do it!
Mike is finally not traveling for the time being and it is nice having him home again! We are getting a new car to replace our heap of crap.
I have totally lost motivation on my weight loss journey and I am in a complete sabotage mode. I MUST BREAK OUT NOW!!!!
Ok- now to plan my day to catch up on my 2 peas course!