Monday, March 28, 2011

what a sick few weeks...

Well, sick as in illnesses! My house has been illness filled for the whole month of March! Started with Mikey and his 2nd double ear infection, then onto myself with a horrible sinus infection, then onto Kieran with a run of the mill cold and back to Mikey with pink eye! Yes, please someone come disinfect my house! Plus, with the cold weather still hanging around, April can truly not come fast enough!
But, hopefully I am back and we can get on with our regular schedule. i have not been able to make it stroller strides in 2+ weeks, I did go to weight watchers and stayed the same, I will take it! Mike is still traveling for work and I am hoping that will end soon, but at least he is earning miles and maybe we can get a free flight for our vacation in December.
I also want to start doing product reviews on this blog! I have been cloth diapering Mikey since he was about a month old and it is fun to try new diapers on him. I also like to shop and I am pretty opinionated, so hey why not review some things and maybe help someone out.
I think my first review will be about our last two trips to Walt Disney World, I figure a good place to start!
And to close a picture of my favorite two little guys!

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