Thursday, June 2, 2011

Finally- 2 peas Week 2-

yeah yeah yeah- I am like 4 weeks behind- but sick kids got in the way! So here it is week 2- we were to study ISO and shutter speed- 2 things I am getting a better handle on- First test- clean sink, another reason it took a while every time I had a clean sink I forgot to do the exercise. Now, we were to take an object to obstruct the flow of water and take a photo of it first with a slow shutter speed and then second with a fast one- not worring about aperture at this point.
Take one-SS-1/80, ISO 640 50mm lens
second picture- SS 1/1250 ISO 800 50mm lens
Then for step 3 we had to take a picture of an inanamate object and use the meter to help with exposure while using the camera in manual- this I am not really that good at and have to keep practicing, but here it is-
ss-1/200, iso-640 f 1.4 
Now onto week 3- 
Nothing much going on in this household- still trying to get back into a workout routine and into weight watchers again, but between Mikey's appointments and appointments etc I just haven't. Then this week was to be the week and Kieran came down with the stomach virus and then coxsackievirus, so another week down the tubes. I have been watching what I have been eating more- so it is a start. I am determined to drop 20 pounds by my 8th anniversary on August 16th. So, next week will hopefully be able to get back on track! 
And here are 2 pics of my cuties- gotta love them!

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